God Pockett or Hope Pockett: scissors, glue, pens and you have your pockets of hope

By Georg the dog and Judy Ryan

The God Pockett or Hope Pockett is an art project in and of itself. You need glue and safe scissors to make your own Pockett of Hope. This does not need to be spiritual in nature, it is simply a way to jot down thoughts and feelings that you would like to honor in the form of the written language, and keep them in a special place. Whether you have worry, hope, excitement, anticipation, fear, sadness, anger, feel jittery, the Hope Pockett is a place to put your thoughts and feelings. Please writ us at judy@judyryanart.com. We live in Venice Beach where we write in our studio.

Who Is My Mom? A Protector, by Georg the Dog: Self-Protection and Using Our Senses

By Georg the dog and Judy Ryan

Georg takes a rest from writing. People who pass my outdoor art show, which I put up weekly, posted a review of Georg’s book.

This wonderful illustration and story written by Georg the Dog, about how he is learning from his Mom and family and dogs and cats and people and the internet and the television, some special moves and skills using his senses in order to self-protect from bully’s, is so important in the dog world.

Who Is My Mom? Siblings? Discipline! Chores and Reflections!

By Georg the dog and Judy Ryan

Co-written by a new muse, the book explores reflections on many topics that come up for him, as a dog, about life.. Georg arrived from the LA shelter in July. As a result of the world returning to work and family responsibility increasing, the shelters were flooded, therefore Georg was rescued. This book can be purchased on
Amazon, either soft cover, or kindle.

Judy Ryan Art
Venice, California

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© [year] Judy Ryan Art